12 Mar, 15 Cement silo Cement silo, approx 22m3. 2100mm dia, 9m long, used but in good shape. March 12, 2015sbushConcrete Agitator, Tanks/silos/ore bins
09 Mar, 15 Warman Solution Pump Warman Solution pump 8/6 DS. 55kw electric drive, fitted with a “DD” barrel March 9, 2015sbushPumps, Uncategorized, Warman Pump Range
05 Mar, 15 Jaques Jaw crusher 24 x 15 Jaques 24 x 15 single toggle jaw crusher mounted on stand with a 37kw electric drive Item Number: CR012 March 5, 2015sbushCrushers, Gold Recovery Equipment
03 Sep, 14 Mobile Impact crusher Sold Mobile Impactor, CVR 1313PH with Caterpillar drive. Vibrating feeder and feed bin all mounted on 3 rows of 8 trailer. Item Number: 59025 September 3, 2014June 12, 2018sbushCrushers
21 Aug, 14 Screen rotary 1200mm x 2600 trommel screen on stand. Three way split. August 21, 2014sbushScreens and Stacking Conveyors for Hire, Screens and Trommels
21 Aug, 14 Sweco screen 1500 dia double deck Sweco screen, runs well ready for work. Item Number: S067 August 21, 2014sbushScreens and Stacking Conveyors for Hire, Screens and Trommels
13 Aug, 14 Clean Water pumps Unused KSB 250 – 400 impeller 425mm Two Stalker pumps unused. 150 x 125 – 400, 438 dia Impeller and 125 x 100 – 315, 342mm dia Impeller. Other unused pumps to choose from. August 13, 2014sbushPumps, Uncategorized, Warman Pump Range
19 Jun, 14 SAG Mill Morgardshammar 4.2m x 6.8m Mill comes with twin 770kw DC drives and transformers Item Number: CIMQ001 June 19, 2014sbushBall/Rod Mills, Gold Recovery Equipment, Machinery
11 Dec, 13 Pumping station Pumping Station. This unit has two 6/4 Warman Pumps mounted on a 40′ flat rack. It has a hopper for emptying bulk bags into then the material is conveyed to a tank where it drops into a water tank to be pumped by the two Warman Pumps. December 11, 2013sbushPumps, Warman Pump Range